1 definition by Bestieboo

A princess of a person who purrs quietly but whose words can roar with confidence and determination. Leonas are lions and they rule their environment as such. Decisive, rational and fair are obvious adjectives to use, but they only begin to describe the complexities of a Leona. Leonas are loyal and dedicated. Any relationship with a Leona will never dull once a Leona has decided to commit to it. Though notions of strength come to mind when describing a Leona, it would be a grievous mistake to not acknowledge the softness that Leona possesses. From the grace of their gait to their affection for the people they are closest to, the softness of a Leona is ever-displayed and undeniable. Tofu-hearted people they are- firm, but soft and consistently good for those that dare to encounter them. Leonas have a fondness for Pisces (whether husband, father or friend) and the aforementioned attributes shine most in their interaction with them.
A Leonas personality makes her especially well-suited to be a great wife, daughter, friend... and eventually mom. One could never go wrong befriending a Leona. Leonas are to be cherished and appreciated. A task made easy because of their loyal and dedicated nature.
Are you always this rational and composed, Leona?
No, Jillian. I twerk every so often.
by Bestieboo August 12, 2018
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