4 definitions by Beneluxlover

Clogs, Windmills, best roads of Europe, Best weed , Tallest guys in the world And the most important thing CHEESE

Also THEY ARE THE GODS OF THE SEA THEY CAN TURN SEA INTO LAND MAGIC like the Dutch plan to make doggerland by damming the English Channel and the North Sea the plan to save most of east England entire Netherlands ,Flanders and northern France from flood caused by global warming
Dutch guy1: hey wanna make some land in the North Sea?
Dutch guy2: ye sure man

Both Walks away with clogs

Wanna hear a minecraft joke?

- Should include the word being defined

Urban dictionary
by Beneluxlover February 28, 2021
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It is a place where the North Sea is now, there is a Dutch plan to resurrect doggerland By damming off the North Sea and the English Channel
Doggerland a place that is under water aka the North Sea but with water
by Beneluxlover February 28, 2021
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The Benelux is a proposed country by the English in the treaty of London 5 September 1944 to unify the Low Countries

aka Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. Although the union somewhat already exist as a political-economic system you van see it as a proto European Union at that time (1944)

Most people would think the capital would be in Amsterdam
But it’s In Brussels the center of the little low country union

Netherlands: weed land and awesome roads
Belgium : Waffle land / Fries
Luxembourg : high GDP land (lots of money)
Guy1: Dude the Benelux countries are so cool
Guy2: I know right
by Beneluxlover February 19, 2021
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Belgium a country who is part of the Benelux and the European Union bordering Luxembourg, France, Germany and the Netherlands. It was formed in 1830 25 Augustus

It is know for surviving the biggest disasters of the world: ww1 ww2 and the Cold War

It is also know for the highest tax on work and for there Belgian waffles
And fries

There government is ridiculous
I can’t even explain it
Speaking about there government

They hold a world record of 541 days with no government
American guy: Wow It’s so cool that France invented french fries
Belgian guy: What!? You’re kidding right? We invented fries.
American guy: No way! Why are they called french fries then!
Belgian guy: We invented these!
American guy: kills Belgian guy*
1 week later
American guy: WOAH these fries are delicious!

French guy: yeah you’re lucky Belgium invented them.
American guy: Oh-oh
by Beneluxlover February 28, 2021
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