2 definitions by Beachcat

Slang term for opossum. Similar to how doggo is slang for dog and gato is slang for cat.
There are some adorable obabs out in the backyard.
by Beachcat January 22, 2019
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A guy who cannot stop being a pussy long enough to take care of his kid, and allow the world to stop hating him for it. Usually the "nancy" is characterized by not paying child support, being a complete ass to his child's mother just because, tries to reunite with said mother when she moves on in life, or is constantly cheating.
1.) Dude: "Hey J where's that child support check at?"
J: "Oh I'm getting next month, Nancy has to not work and play his online games first and foremost."

2.) Neil Kabal of Vassar, MI
3.) Brandon Howard of Newport News, VA
4.) People on Maury
by Beachcat December 10, 2010
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