4 definitions by Bananananananananananananana

When you typo "Mostly" so bad the person you're talking to is thinking you're having a stroke.
John: I guess its mosgly for the type of person that thinks cereal goes before milk
Jane: Mosgly?
John: Jesus Christ Jane it was obviously a typo.
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When you're suddenly super smart for a small while and can solve any puzzle or problem.
I was struggling with my homework but then I had an intelligence burst and completed it in under 3 minutes.
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When someone gains a large, and short spurt of luck at the best time possible.
Damn, that guy just had the biggest luckgasm right there.
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those old ass DVI VGA whatever the fuck plugs
Ayo you got a DVI cable?
You mean a VGA?
Whatever I just need a boomer plug
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