3 definitions by BaKeD

Someone who thinks there a thug ass gangster, but is just a whiny little bitch who is struggling with there emotions.
That new boy trying to run Portland road is one emotional thugger.
by BaKeD May 27, 2015
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A person who is stoned/baked all the time, or seems like they are stoned/baked. Also, a person who denies this assumption.
Telmo: "Liz your baked!"
Liz: "No I'm not."
Telmo: "Ya your baked! You're a bake face. Look at you! You're a pastry!"
by BaKeD August 30, 2006
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Someone who suffers from a peasant mind, unable to see reality. Stuck in a world with no back bone to make it anywhere in life. Stuck not knowing the truth, to be able to succeed. No matter what they achieve, there mind too inferior to be in control. Being told whats right, blind and unable to see what is.
"That dude suffers from PMC."
"So does the dude writing this definition."
by BaKeD May 15, 2013
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