2 definitions by BIOS-Pherecydes

Eh- kɾik-si-phil- ia/ from the Greek Ekrixis meaning 'explosion' and the suffix -phile meaning ' love of or attraction to something.'


1. A person possessing an obsessive or unnatural interest in explosions and/or explosives.

2. Someone who finds sexual pleasure from the creation or viewing of explosions

Antonym: Ekrixiphobia
Prosecutor: In your opinion, why do you think she placed the explosives?
Witness: She said she had ekrixiphilia. She just wanted to see something blow up. It didn't matter what. She said it turned her on.

Person 1: I love explosions. Big ones, small ones. Every size, shape, and color, I like 'em all.
Person 2: So you're an ekrixiphiliac?
Person 1: If that means I think watching stuff go boom is the coolest thing in the world, then sure.
by BIOS-Pherecydes September 13, 2017
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tetrəˌspekt/ from the latin Tetra meaning 'foul' and Spect meaning 'to see'


1.to have a poor or negative outlook on situations or events, especially in regards to those which have already passed.

2. a tendency for perceiving the world in such a way as to emphasizes bleak or dismal outcomes to the exclusion of positive alternatives

synonyms: pessimism, cynicism
In tetrospect, it was inevitable that today was going to be a bad day.
Murphy's Law was based on a man with a truly tetrospective outlook.
by BIOS-Pherecydes February 9, 2016
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