3 definitions by Azrielli

If you have a Zita in your life , you have the best life . Zita is a very independent person who does not seek satisfaction from other. She is happy doing her own thing. Even though she might bot always show it but she values and loves het close friends and family alot . She is the best listener and has all the patients in the world. Zita is the best
Look at her sass , she must be a Zita
by Azrielli November 21, 2021
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Riehan is a smart , well built guy with good qualities . If you spend enough time with him he will have your heart and you can never forget him. He loves deeply and real and makes you feel special. He is funny and have a-lot of inside jokes. Riehan has a small group of close friends but is also a loan-wolf . He is hard working on things that he likes and is also very strict with himself as he wants to be the best looking in the room. When a Riehan falls in love with you make sure to keep him in your life .
He is a savage Riehan
by Azrielli November 21, 2021
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A Lance is a man with a plan and nothing could get in the way of his plan. He is very persuasive and smart but he is also kind and caring . Lance is the best lover with the most handsome body. He could get any girl he wants but only chooses the best. He is a hard worker and very strict on himself to look his utter best. You hit the bullseye when Lance is you boyfriend as he is very entertaining and also a very good kisser. He will always leave you satisfied
You kiss like a Lance
Make a Lance plan
Look at that professional, he must be a Lance
by Azrielli November 21, 2021
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