2 definitions by AzNGuNSmokE


1. The act of displaying properties or characteristics of an asshat. This includes but is not limited to wearing your ass for a hat or saying/commiting an act that causes the audience in presence to become dumber.

2. The art of becoming or practicing flagrantly being an asshat.

1. "This is clearly asshattery! Where's my label maker? He said don't lick the lead bullet."
by AzNGuNSmokE November 4, 2005
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n. A person who leads people to believe they are from a different planet or dreaming of ancestry in other areas of the universe. The person does not respond when directly spoken to, performs odd food rituals and displays complete disregard for commonsense. A space cadet is not necessarily refering to a person of low intelligence or a heavy drug user, but rather a person who typically focuses on all aspects of life except the one currently at hand.

This is sometimes portrayed by testing the properties of wooden door hinges and the current coefficient of drag, by accelerating the door into the closed position at a high rate while leaving anyroom. This will often awaken, startle or confuse normal inhabitants of the planet earth, but will appear oblivious to the cadet. When ascending or descending a staircase, a spacecadet will tend to forget that the gravitational constant of earth differs from that of their home planet and will give the impression or a much larger moving mass. The area of the voice box "pharynx" also appears to differ from that of a normal specimen, causing words to be miss pronounced such as sold-her, instead solder.

The exact origins of a space cadet are unknown but rumor has it that their home planet was destroyed due to pollution caused by poor house keeping. Following this disaster they proceeded to disperse themselves throughout the universe and litter the gene pool. Space cadets are known for their poor skills in common sense areas such as coordination, food preparation, basic cleaning and processing simultaneous coherent thoughts. Examples of some of these thoughts include wanting the dress as another space cadet with a cancerous appendage attached to themselves or ignorant phrases such as "grow a p*nis".
"Why do you have to be such a space cadet"
"Those aren't 0Ohm resistors they are clearly capacitors you space cadet"
"Where's the vinegar?"/"Right in front of you space cadet"
"You guys know how to make tacos"
by AzNGuNSmokE November 4, 2005
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