2 definitions by Ayo pause??

a really big amount of shit coming out of your anus, so big that it burns.
I'm about to take a explosive shit after eating Chipotle.
by Ayo pause?? April 29, 2023
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1. Earth's birthday (not true, actually October 23.)
2. Day where you help the earth be more clean. Earth Day is celebrated because lots of assholes litter all over the planet. Ways to celebrate Earth Day: (alternate title: ways to not be an asshole)
1. Pick up trash
2. Don't litter
3: Make a compost
4: Fuck yo girl in the pussy
5: Use both sides of the paper
6: Turn off the lights when you fuck yo girl
Earth day is on Saturday this year.
by Ayo pause?? April 29, 2023
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