3 definitions by Axel Rubbins

: referring to a very good friend, one with best friend status.
"I'm thirsty, hand me that beer MANDOG".
by Axel Rubbins May 27, 2004
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: to instruct someone to perform a task a little quicker.
: a flashier way of saying snap to it.
"Hey Jessy, we don't have all day to get those t.s. reports out, 'snapatainio' man"
by Axel Rubbins May 27, 2004
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: A very quick way to say, "Go to work and make some money in a hurry".
"I can't pay my bills man", said Joe. "You need to get out there and quickabuck man", said the friend
by Axel Rubbins May 27, 2004
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