1 definition by Ashley GreenšŸ˜˜

He is tall, athletic, and extremely goofyšŸ˜‚. Heā€™s the type of person that can make you smile just by giving you a look. People can sometimes mistake a Jalen as self absorbed, bit on the inside heā€™s kind, caring, loveable, and sweet...(not to mention he has great hairšŸ’€), you should consider yourself sooo lucky to have a jalen in your life- Ashley green
Boy 1- ā€œWhoā€™s the guy that was voted class clown?ā€
Boy 2- ā€œCā€™mon thatā€™s Jalen, everybody knows him!ā€
by Ashley GreenšŸ˜˜ October 14, 2020
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