1 definition by Arvinshake84

Adjective - ( always written with a capital T)

1. used as a description. A person that is dull on his or her own, but lights up in a crowd.


2. Used as an insult. A person who adapt to different environment and/or crowds but doesn’t seem to have a personality of their or refuse’s to show it. In this case the person seeks to deceive or manipulate
-That guys hot...
-don’t waste your time girl! I’ve dated him and he’s definitely a Tofu.

Are you sure? That guy seems nice!

I tell you man don’t trust him he’s a Tofu.


I hate that bitch! Everywhere she goes people are so nice to her, from the bosses to the new hire’s. Little they know, she’s a Tofu
by Arvinshake84 October 6, 2020
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