2 definitions by Articulate Sarcasm

Someone who understands subtleties but misses the big picture in a way that's convenient to them or out of self interest but they don't necessarily realize that they're doing it because they're so stuck in their own world and so used to how things are. Someone that only looks at things from their own perspective but never even considers anyone else's perspective and doesn't realize or appreciate how one sided they are.
For example if you complain that your friend is making you sleep in the living room but you miss the fact that he is letting you stay rent free because he wants to help you out and he doesn't owe you anything but you owe him a lot then your are dense. You've gotten so used to being helped out for free and you don't appreciate all that your friend has done for you in return for nothing.

Or if my boss yells at me for little things that aren't really my fault but he completely misses the fact that he owes me a ton of money because he can't afford to pay me right now and that he's only paying me minimum wage and he doesn't even pay overtime or doubletime rates if I work overtime or doubletime and he doesn't pay sick pay and he doesn't comply with any of the labor laws whatsoever and when I quit he acts surprised and complains about how everyone quits on him when things are tough and how everyone is such a quitter but doesn't acknowledge or appreciate anyone's effort while they are working for him it's because he's dense (true story).
by Articulate Sarcasm November 30, 2018
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Someone who understands subtleties but misses the big picture in a way that's convenient to them or out of self interest but they don't necessarily realize that they're doing it because they're so stuck in their own world and so used to how things are. Someone that only looks at things from their own perspective but never even considers anyone else's perspective and doesn't realize or appreciate how one sided they are.
For example if you complain that your friend is making you sleep in the living room but you miss the fact that he is letting you stay rent free because he wants to help you out and he doesn't owe you anything but you owe him a lot then your are dense.

Or if my boss yells at me for little things that aren't really my fault but he completely misses the fact that he owes me a ton of money because he can't afford to pay me right now and that he's only paying me minimum wage and he doesn't even pay overtime or doubletime rates if I work overtime or doubletime and he doesn't pay sick pay and he doesn't comply with any of the labor laws whatsoever and when I quit he acts surprised and complains about how everyone quits on him when things are tough and how everyone is such a quitter but doesn't acknowledge or appreciate anyone's effort while they are working for him it's because he's dense (true story).
by Articulate Sarcasm November 30, 2018
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