17 definitions by Art Vandelay

One who pronounces the word "league" as "lig". Liggy will be heard using vulgar languange which may include the berating of minorities.
Don't be too loud or you will draw a lig.

Liggy likes to wear coach's shorts while he cuts the grass.
by Art Vandelay January 19, 2005
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"I love for you"
Poor english enhanced with lame AOL/number-speak. Designed to express affection to other online AOL lamers. Usually used in conjunction with "asl" and "cyber plz?"
ASL plz ??? iluv4u !!! ! !
plz marryme my dere luv from afar, i send to you luv !!! plz
by Art Vandelay March 14, 2003
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Well, there is a story behind this one.

Once I was on a chatline, and I got a message from some guy from a foreign country that went something like this:
"Hello ! My seastre !"

The only thing that I figgured he could have meant was "sister."

So seastre is a poor-english spelling of sister.
Hello ! My Seastre !
by Art Vandelay March 14, 2003
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