1 definition by Arglevonstrooben

The most amazing guy you will ever know. A gentleman, friendly, welcoming, approachable, funny, sweet, kind hearted, willing to accept people who are different, non-judgemental. A guy who listens to your problems and actually cares about what you have to say, even if everyone else thinks you're talking rubbish. He's not afraid to be who he is and makes his girlfriend feel like she's not so alone after all. He accepts people for who they are and never tries to change them for his own ends. Everyone who is around him respects him, he's not afraid to stand up for people or what he thinks is right. He is easy to fall in love with and his girlfriend is the luckiest girl in the world. Once you have a hold of him, you'll never want to let him go. It's sad that he doesn't really know how much people appreciate him.

Most guys named Josh love to play videogames (and are amazing at it), watch sci-fi, make comics, watch action movies and listen to rock music.
'Ever since I met Josh, my life has only got better'
by Arglevonstrooben June 17, 2012
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