3 definitions by Araporn, King of Gondwhore

The extreme state of rofl that makes one feel like they are airborne (hence the copter, as in helicopter). When achieved in a whore house, it is known as 'Brothelcopterz'.
Person 1: "Dude, this prostitute is so ugly i want to chunder!"
Person 2: "Brothelcopterz"
by Araporn, King of Gondwhore March 24, 2009
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A wagon that transports 2 or more nerds is a roflwagon. A brothelwagon is normally though of as a wagon that transports 2 or more nerds to a whore house, however this is far from the truth.
It is infact a type of plankton, found only in the South China Sea.
Person 1: We must get to the brothel. Quick! To the brothelwagon!
Person 2: Why do we need plankton?
by Araporn, King of Gondwhore March 25, 2009
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A famous military corp from the Netherlands. Based in Amsterdam, their name dervived from the tradition of getting extremely drunk and offering to pay any woman in sight for money.
Over 6ft. tall and well muslced, most women accept. So do most men.
1: Heil, vould you like to haf sex vith me?
2: Are you from ze brothelcorp?
1: Ya!
2: DO ME NOW!!
by Araporn, King of Gondwhore March 27, 2009
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