2 definitions by Aponashi Teshigawara “Tesshi”

Followers of certain Korean man, an entrepreneur, proclaimed himself to be a messiah, messenger of Christ, though the newly founded religion has been viewed as separate from the more universally-accepted branches of Christianity.

The English term “Moonies”, can be used pejoratively, or otherwise claimed proudly by it's members-followers.

Practitioners of mass wedding, sometimes interracially, partner singlehandedly chosen by the leader himself. Politically, strongly opposed the left-leaning “communist”, that originate from the founder's opinion to the Korean war and separation of the both Koreas.

Indirectly involved in the shooting of Japan's ex-Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.
And backdoor-politics of Japan in general, which the Kishida administration of govt seek to cut ties after the incident, while pass bill to regulate donations/purchases of religious goods by force/mind control, after victimized ex-followers spoken out.
A legal investigation currently ongoing to see if the group itself will lose its “religious corporation” status, which will prevent the group of taking fees from its members-followers, but could still be allowed to exist as solely organized movement.
This marked the 2nd controversy surrounding topics of new religious movements in Japan, only after the Asahara Shoko-founded Aum Shinrikyo, the group responsible for the 1995's Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, sending terrors across the nation in an otherwise rather peaceful postwar domestic scene of Japan.
“Moonies ballonees!”
How the Moonies say “Cheese!” when taking religious group-selfie with their leader, while holding a balloon, signifying ascension to Heaven. (Not factual)
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A guy who's infamous from the Moonie Associations of Unification Church (Japan's branch) that randomly, out-of-nowhere, appears in front of your house one evening, WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT.
Or rather that, you denied his request first the other day, but he proceeded to come anyway.

He stares into your deep own soul, and said the following:
“Hi, it's Teshigawara. I want to talk one-to-one to you, ALSO, PLEASE DON'T SHOW UP IN FRONT OF THE MEDIA'S COVERAGES.”

Then you, scared for life, thinking they're trying to kidnap you or something, proceeds not to sleep or close an eye, for the next 12 hours of nighttime straight away.
Teshigawara denied he has said ‘Please don't show up in front of the media's coverages’ during the no-appointment meeting yesterday”

Shouted Teshigawara: “I didn't said that!” while repeatedly clicking his mouth and smiled, in keeping with his own bubble of thoughts, to the crowd of question-asking journalists in the press meeting today.
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