1 definition by Anyonmous90

a girl who may seem like she's cool but is really a bitch. She will gain your trust then stab you in the back. Beware of anyone with the name Tawny for she will stab you in the back. Usually is born with Brown hair and thick eyebrows. Is usually very nosy and tries to act like she is better than everyone else yet also manages to have a worse life than anyone else. Will try to one up any story one tells her, trying to harvest their pity and sympathy.
You- man my life sucks, I have no running water or electricity because I am broke and can't pay my bills. My food has maggots living in it and my clothes all have moth holes in them. I just want to die sometimes.
Tawny- Well, i have diabetes, I just 'accidentally' back stabbed my friend AND made everyone feel bad because My life is worse than theirs. Did I mention that I sleep in a big house but have ugly clothes because my mother hates me and we get into fights? I also smoke and its very hard to quit because I've been doing it since I was three.
by Anyonmous90 March 7, 2014
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