2 definitions by Anthony Murphy

the name given to a man who has a unusually large shaped snorkella or nose and has a large forehead due to the thinning of hair caused by a heriditory condition known as balding.
That dude got the peacock forehead... Thats bloody unlucky...That person is a serious mac. Tommying it..Maccing It
by Anthony Murphy August 20, 2006
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the act of dabblying in mood alternators for a period of twelve hours and then being unable to move from the hunch position over a balcony at 6am in the morning due to the body finally saying no. Usually when "tommying Out" occurs, two or more of your friends will generally be watching and thorougly enjoying ever minute of it even doing there best for u to pack up another one.
oh dude is he tommying out again... That guy is a mac hine peacock.
by Anthony Murphy August 28, 2006
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