4 definitions by Aneles

An overly inquisitive person. A busy body. Someone who loves to gossip.
Don't be such a quidnunc!
by Aneles March 13, 2010
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Sydnicia is a beautiful soul they make great moms some would even say they are super moms! And boy does it show Sydnicia is always ready to load them kids up and go! Don’t forget the sneaker’s. She’s always ready to chase them kids too! Sydnicia is such a motivated hard worker that when she finally gets a chance to let loose hide ya kids hide ya wife she’s drinking and she’s coming for you. They make loyal trustworthy friends and don’t take enough time for themselves sit down and relax put a moo moo on and chill you got this!
Wow how does she watch all them kids? She must be a Sydnicia.
by Aneles April 20, 2023
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derogotory term to describe any individual whom would be considered as to be not normal
he wouldnt have the balls to do that, he's genitally challenged..he must be genitally challenged if he can still sing soprano in the choir...dont confuse her with a lady, she's genitally challenged...is that really my child he seems genitally challenged...hey mate apparently ol mate couldnt get an erection last night, the bride reckons he must be genitally challenged.
by Aneles March 28, 2012
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A person who uses long, unusual, sometimes obscure words in speech or writing.
by Aneles March 13, 2010
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