14 definitions by Andy Holman

I saw this chick's fup bulging from her thong.
by Andy Holman November 18, 2005
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1. The act of giving fellatio at an incredible speed.

2. The act of a male giving himself fellatio and being able to suck his own entire cock.
1. God damn girl! Slow down that full auto fellatio!

2. Unfortunately, I walked in on Brad G. giving himself full auto fellatio.
by Andy Holman October 15, 2005
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A stolen handgun that you can leave behind or "lay down on the ground" after shooting someone.
I shot 50 cent a couple times, but don't worry, I used a lay down.
by Andy Holman October 12, 2005
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A female who, when asked for a date (to dance, to have sex, etc) by a male she is not attracted to, she alleges that she is a lesbian in-order to give an excuse.
I asked this hot ass allegebian for a dance, but I guess she had a boyfriend.
by Andy Holman October 12, 2005
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A smoking device similar to a gravity bong. It involves taking a 20oz bottle and burning a small hole at the bottom. Then attaching a bowl-piece to the cap. One fills the bottle with water (using a thumb to plug the hole), attaches the cap/bowl-piece, lights the substance, and releases their thumb. The water uses gravity to keep the substance lit.
Don't use the sink, I have two waterfalls in the basin.
by Andy Holman October 12, 2005
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A towel, or washrag, that a man ejaculates onto after masturbation.
My mom does my laundry, but I make sure to privately launder my goo rag.
by Andy Holman October 12, 2005
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1. Seedless marijuana that is better than middies, yet is not nugs.

2. Homegrown nuggets.
I never smoke schwag, only upgrade or nugs.
by Andy Holman October 12, 2005
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