3 definitions by Andrew "Rock n' Roll" Lambert

The language, science, and math, and history of faggotry.

The mechanics of queerness encompassed.

1. This bitch sucked so bad I couldn't understand how until I found she achieved a Ph.D. in faggatronics.

2. Certain stereotypical voice/behavior inflections that are typically more difficult to detect in London and in those possessing strong powers of faggatronics.
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1. Designated coordinates where a group of dudes gather to comit pure faggotry.

2. Eight dudes jamming nine dudes.

Joe goes to a frat party to be fully unsweet to see eight dudes jamming nine dudes --you know, a bogus dude jam zone.

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Designated coordinates where a group of totally sweet looking, righteous party dudes jam out.
Gusto was kicking everything's ass the entire time he was chillin in the righteous dude jam zone. You know, a righteous dude jam zone.
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