1 definition by An extra hat

Probably the most funniest and sweetest Guy, that anyone could ever meet.

Makes the best remarks and is capable to having a long and interesting conversation with.
Marley is an amazing friend to have, or just someone to know and be on good terms with..

They're worth the time and effort that anyone can give. No matter what he might say
about himself, he can be attractive, smart and a good-people person.

He can be much more interesting, the more you talk to him especially. Down to earth,
considerate and patient, he'd make an amazing and trustworthy Lover. Not someone
to easily toss or forget, he'll somehow make you feel a way that no one else can or
do something to leave an ever-lasting and wonderful impression.
Marley's more perfect than what he or anyone else could say.
He's more important than you could possibly think.
by An extra hat April 12, 2021
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