4 definitions by All supreme lord

A name that describes someone who is very stinky. People with this name also refuse to wear deodorant, on weekdays they aren’t stinky, but once the weekend hits they let their true stink out.

Sophie always smells.
salow man always smells.
by All supreme lord April 24, 2020
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The name shir describes a person-shaped like a shrimp. People named shir have very nasty attitudes, they also tend to hang up on phone calls very often without any warning. At the same time, people named shir can be the most goddess-like people. Most people with this name are paralyzed from the neck down.
I love Shir because she's shaped like a shrimp.
by All supreme lord April 24, 2020
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The name cholina describes true beauty. people named cholina take pride in being rude to their siblings, eating ValentineS day kit-kats, and lastly buying really mean cats. the creator of this name was ALL SUPREME LORD.
by All supreme lord April 24, 2020
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A name that describes someone who is very stinky. People with this name also refuse to wear deodorant, on weekdays they aren’t stinky, but once the weekend hits they let their true stink out.
Sophie always smells.
by All supreme lord April 24, 2020
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