2 definitions by Albert Clifford

Someone who bogart's the mic at weddings, drinks abnormal amounts of vodka and OJ then passes out cold only to be taken care of by a "special" kid. Hours pass, that someone wakes up and runs outside during the Canadian winter season, not dressed accordingly, yelling and screaming "I'm not a talker".
November 24th 2007 El Toro stated "I'm not a talker".
by Albert Clifford December 22, 2009
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To move faster, quicker, get going, go forward at faster rate if speed.
"Billy" was in a race and wasn't running as fast as he could, his mommy encouraged him to do his best and yelled "drop the fridge Billy". If he were carrying a fridge while running he wouldn't be moving that fast, if he were to "drop the fridge" he would then be moving much faster.
by Albert Clifford December 13, 2009
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