2 definitions by Al gurl


an expression of excitement; an exclamation of an event worth celebrating in the moment; to be rad.
1.AAHH, that rhyme was SWISH doggy dogg!

2.(after doing something cool)...SWISH!

3.Your new kicks are SWISH!
by Al gurl January 12, 2009
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to hit really hard; to get hit really hard; to be in excrutiating pain after being hit really hard.
1.O dude, I just narfed my toe on that nail! My toe is narfed.

2.(referring to a deer getting hit by a car)...Look at that deer! It just got totally narfed by that car!

3."I'm gonna narf your face!"
--that dude just got narfed.
by Al gurl January 12, 2009
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