1 definition by Akarsh

Short form for: Delayed Onset Of Muscle Soreness

When we work out at the gym well enough to tear the tiny fibres in our muscles (which is the overall intention: when the the micro fibres in our muscles get rippd from pushing our limits in the work out, our muscles feel pain about 24-48 hours later, lasting for about 48-72 hours. basically our muscles are goin like "wtf did he just do to me? i better get bigger so this doesn't happen to me again!" which ofcourse it dus, because we increase the weight in the next workout and go even harder.. and the cycle goes on..)
Guy 1: hey man i got some serious DOMS tday from yesterdays workout!
Guy 2: good job bro! keep up the good work! just remember to let your muscles heal completely before you go to the gym again!
by Akarsh April 29, 2008
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