1 definition by Ai Tasumi

A male of european decent (usually italian, hence the name 'Gino') with little or no intelligence. Likes going to clubs and 'chillin' with the female version 'Ginas'. Usually sporting garments from Diesel, Parasuco, or Urban Behavior. Has acne, or if not, acne scars. Their hair always looks wet because of massive input of gel. Thinks their cars are 'the shit' but it's really just shit. Most likely to die in freak car accident while "drag racing yo." or overdosing on e. Rude, loud, stubborn, and extremely stupid yet for some reason they're proud of it because they think it makes them look 'rebellious' rather than barbaric. A disgrace of European culture in Canada.
Yesterday I went to Tim Hortons to grab myself a coffee and a donut, but instead I got attacked by a couple of Gino kids. I'm still cleaning the gel off of my shirt.
by Ai Tasumi February 5, 2006
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