4 definitions by AhYesBigBrainTime

1.you can fucking put the fucking word in fucking in front of every fucking noun and and you can still fucking know what they're fucking talking about.
2.the ultimate fucking insult for fucking idiots.
3.two humans having a sexual intercourse.
1. Fucking brats are stinking up the place!
2.You won't fucking cross the fucking line I fucking swear.
3. Bully: Hey fucking idiot!

Bullied: Yeah yeah retard, i did yo mom last night.

by AhYesBigBrainTime February 24, 2022
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Actually the first neopronoun was made in 1890, but tiktok girls made it cringe. Neopronouns are basically a person" who thinks they're quirky but they're actually not"s' pronouns like zey/zem or pizza/pizzaself.
Cringe Tiktok user: Hey my age is 18 now! And Hey my Neopronouns are ter/teself :D
Sane People: Why should I know? And Hey my thought is you're cringe and go screw yourself (hey that ryhmed :O)
by AhYesBigBrainTime February 24, 2022
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A group of idiots who think sexually attracted to a male minecraft youtuber is a WHOLE 'nother sexuality.
Person A: I am a PROUD dreamsexual!
Person A Dad: And I am PROUD to announce you're adopted, never come back to reality idiot.
by AhYesBigBrainTime February 24, 2022
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1.Tik-tok is an app that you can post shorts and comment on them, filled with 90% cringe (lip-syncing to a song or line while doing cringe hand gestures, dancing to a sped up song etc), 9% food (yummy), and 1% actual good content and relatable memes.
2. Tik-Tok is also referred to the shorts on the app.
1. Tik-tok user: omg this Tik-tok is so funny.
2. Tik-Tok user: You should download Tik-tok so you can cringe at posts.
by AhYesBigBrainTime February 24, 2022
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