3 definitions by AggressiveExile
The opposite of everything good about this world. An illiterate, homophobic, dried-up excuse for life with enough of daddy's money to hold the highest possible position of power in Trump's world of education.
People of Alaska: Thank god! The grizzly bear problem is finally solved. Trump must be genius for picking Betsy Devos.
Trump supporters: Let's take the power out of the few in Washington. Let's elect Betsy Devos, a dried up 1% billionaire who doesn't know the difference between proficiency vs. growth and yes vs. no.
Trump supporters: Let's take the power out of the few in Washington. Let's elect Betsy Devos, a dried up 1% billionaire who doesn't know the difference between proficiency vs. growth and yes vs. no.
by AggressiveExile February 7, 2017
We would have.
by AggressiveExile April 11, 2017
by AggressiveExile September 29, 2017