1 definition by AfricanLoveChild99

Desiree is something else. Not in the kinda way that replaces the rain with sunshine. She's the kinda person that somehow makes the rain fun and enjoyable. Her presence is like a light bulb in a dark closet. Her passion for Indie music, science, rockin' fashion, and random korean merchandise is sure to make this small World seem infinitely bigger. She has a voice that manages to rock every song she sings, even when she changes the key (its actually better when she does that). She mumbles sometimes, and literally runs away from awkward situations, yet its all part of her iconic charm. She's incredibly bright -minded and has so much potential. Her smile warms the soul in a way the sun never could, both her internal and external beauty could easily earn her the title of "Aphrodite of the 21st Century", her kindness would put Canadians to shame, her humor could give you abs from laughing so often (my excuse for not going to the gym), and while so much more could be said about 'The Desiree', the most important thing is... she likes ASMR. (And she is one of the single greatest thing that can ever happen to you. A true blessing, a gift, an incomparable joy that should never be taken for granted. May she always be loved unconditionally)
Desiree es la amiga mejor por todo
by AfricanLoveChild99 November 11, 2018
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