2 definitions by Adameniscus
Refers to the practice of letting employees leave work an hour early. The term derives from the military, where supervisors are often not permitted to let their personnel leave early, but ARE permitted to grant their staff breaks, as long as they are less than 1 hour. On special occasions, a supervisor can work around the prohibition on early excusal by giving the staff a 59-minute break at the very end of the day; thus allowing them to leave about an hour early. The "59-Minute Rule" is often put into effect on the Friday before a three-day weekend.
Email to all personnel: The 59-Minute Rule will be in effect this afternoon. Have a safe and happy holiday! -The Boss
by Adameniscus May 26, 2006
A term for someone who participates in the burner community, which is largely comprised of people who regularly participate in fire festivals, such as Burning Man, or any of the smaller local/regional events that Burning Man has inspired around the world. The term is not derisive, but is rather a term of endearment and self-identity across the burner community.
Burners usually refer to a fire festival as a "burn." Both "burner" and "burn" are derived from the common practice of creating, erecting and displaying a piece of "burnable art," or a "burnable art installation," at a fire festival. Ultimately, these art pieces are set afire and burned to ashes as an artistic experience for everyone present. Indeed, all burns climax with the informal but time-honored "ritual burning" of a large, wooden effigy and/or art edifice on the final (and/or penultimate) nights of the burn.
Burners usually refer to a fire festival as a "burn." Both "burner" and "burn" are derived from the common practice of creating, erecting and displaying a piece of "burnable art," or a "burnable art installation," at a fire festival. Ultimately, these art pieces are set afire and burned to ashes as an artistic experience for everyone present. Indeed, all burns climax with the informal but time-honored "ritual burning" of a large, wooden effigy and/or art edifice on the final (and/or penultimate) nights of the burn.
"Hey, I had no idea you were a burner!"
"Oh yah, I've been to the Playa a few times now, and a couple regional burns back east."
"Oh yah, I've been to the Playa a few times now, and a couple regional burns back east."
by Adameniscus September 13, 2014