3 definitions by Adam rox

A Disco Stick is a guy's penis...
You were just wondering that because
you heard it in the song Love Game
by Lady Gaga
1: Whats a disco stick?
2: A dude's thing
1: Oh...
2: Its gross
1: Yeah
by Adam rox April 7, 2010
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She can be a bad influence on children.
She shows to much private parts in music videos.
person 1: hey, is Lady Gaga weird?
person 2: well, i think so, i mean she just shows to much
nasty stuff...
by Adam rox March 17, 2010
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One gender making fun of the
opposite just because thats they're

Boys are normally responsible for this.
Boy: Ha! You cant climb a tree
cause your a girl!

Girl: Yes I can!

Boy: No you cant...

Girl: Uh!
You are the most sexist person ever!
by Adam rox March 17, 2010
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