3 definitions by Acetone_professor_420

When you go on a heavy bender then stop and start sweating, shaking, throwing up, hallucinating and seizing. Horrible nightmares are common if you somehow manage to fall asleep. Wich will be very hard .

It is a euphemism for Delirium tremens.
Person 1 : I've been on this 3 week bender and alcohol isn't hitting the same anymore. The buzz is gone. I think I'll take a t-break.

Person 2: you'll be riding the ghost train? You got some balls
by Acetone_professor_420 November 25, 2022
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( 2-phenylethan-1-amine),
2- phenethylamine, β-PEA, PEA or phenylethylamine is a trace amine that is both endogenously and exogenously used .

In the CNS, It's natural purposes include VMAT2 inhibition and TAAR1 agonism to release dopamine, a substited phenethylamine with hydroxy groups on R 3 and 4.

Dopamine (especially D1 receptors in NAc) is involved in focus and reward.

People with ADHD have both lower levels of phenethylamine and dopamine in their brain.

Phenethylamine does exist in chocolate. However it will not cause effects.

Naturally, orally ingested phenethylamine will not work due to the fact it's quickly metabolized by MAO B and then ALDH into phenyl acetic acid and leaves with urine.

However, ingestion of a MAOI B will cause ingested phenethylamine to travel directly into the CNS.

This will cause the person to feel Intense stimulation and strong euphoria .

Phenethylamine can be both legally bought as freebase ( yellowish oil) and HCL (crystals).

Supplements of phenethylamine are

Substituted phenethylamines are molucles that have the base phenethylamine structure but with hydrogen atoms switched to different groups
Person 1: what are some examples of substituted phenethylamines ?

Person 2: adrenaline, amphetamine, MDMA, DOM.
by Acetone_professor_420 February 28, 2023
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Person 1:brooo music sounds so slow and Cotton mouth is strong af

Person 2: sounds like you're megged out
by Acetone_professor_420 May 21, 2021
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