2 definitions by AceGh0st123

Simply an acronym for 'You Can Eat Your Lunch In The PE Toilets' -pronounced 'WHY SEE LIT PET'-
because.. where else would you eat your lunch? It is simply the best place to eat your lunch at any time during the school day, just watch out for when the urinals turn on because your sandwiches might get wet.

(This acronym is not to be confused with TPETATBPTEYL, 'The PE Toilets Are The Best Place To Eat Your Lunch' because you have to be extremely disabled to use this saying over the far superior one)
'Hey dude did you know YCEYLITPET?'
'Yeah bro but its fuckin annoying when some kids come in and take a piss its rude as hell'
'Bruh literally'
by AceGh0st123 November 29, 2019
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