1 definition by A_PersonThatsHereForTheFurture

A girl who hates every single part of her body, possibly self harms. She tells her best friend who is always watching over her, acting like they don't care when they really do. She also has 2 more friends who watch over her and one that checks up on her, tho she makes her do things all the time. Kloe is a amazing, beautiful girl, "likes" being alone, self harmer, short, blonde, blue eyes, an amazing girl anyone would be happy to have as "theres". She will find hope one day and not be as sad and hopefully end her life like a fairy tail.

ps: she always trys to be "perfect" when she already is, she sucks in every second of the day. pictures of herself give her panic attacks.
kloe, blonde hair, blue eyes, short, perfect,
by A_PersonThatsHereForTheFurture October 20, 2017
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