2 definitions by ARand0mGuy

One of the funniest people ever, they will always make you laugh and are very reliable. If your bored they will always be there for you. Sometimes a little bit hard to get but when you become their friend you will think about how good of a friend they are. They deserve everything. You will love them the second you start knowing them.

Boys will be crawling over them, girls will be crawling over them, everybody wants to be with them. They know that they are just the sweetest funniest and coolest person ever.

They are always cool and their probably their parents favorite if they have other siblings. They are the best. They know how to be calm or just be chill. They will most likely forgive you like the wholesome and great person they are.

Shiori is the best and funniest person you will get to meet.
Shiori is the best! I wonder if they will be friends with me. Probably, after all they are the nicest and coolest person ever!
by ARand0mGuy July 28, 2021
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They are the best, cool to be around with. Really fun, and probably one of the coolest people you will meet.
Shiori is the best!
by ARand0mGuy July 28, 2021
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