2 definitions by ABeautifulRanger

One of the best bands from the 1970’s, but the fanboys constantly say their best songs were from the fourth album. All around basically stole in the start, but they will make you groove.
Dylan: “What do you like to listen to?”
George: “A bit of Led Zeppelin, pretty good band.”
by ABeautifulRanger November 16, 2018
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A Loop Zoop is when you are either drunk, high, or just lost your wisdom teeth and you want to listen to a band, only to find you typed in something outrageous.
Ex: Led Zeppelin = Loop Zoop
Queen = Queer

This was originally coined by a greentext story where a user lost his wisdom teeth and wanted to listen to Led Zeppelin only to find Loop Zoop in his browser history.
>go to delete browsing history like I usually do
>"loop zoop" searched on youtube ~ 25 times
>thought I was typing in "Led Zeppelin"
by ABeautifulRanger January 7, 2019
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