2 definitions by A sane person

(Noun) Another term made up by some douchebag who finds it necessary to bash America. Apparently all other countries are infallible, and Americans are always wrong... This term (and its creator) apparently assumes the educated majority is right . Clearly an example of bullshit
Person 1: "The Bush Administration had nothing to do with plotting 9/11."

Person 2: "Idiot - you have an America Complex! CLEARLY Bush and Osama Bin Laden are good friends (they grew up together, duh!) and from a young age they wanted to kill innocent Americans together."

by A sane person January 3, 2008
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Jayden Harper is a type of person to talk the most shit but not be able to back it up he dated an ogre and lastly can’t beat nick lehotzky in a fight
Did you see Jayden Harper in the hallways

Yea I Hurd he got the shit beat out of him by nick lehotzky
by A sane person May 13, 2020
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