2 definitions by A&H1627

Ahmad... he’s an amazing, out of this world person who no one could ever compare to. He’s kind, HANDSOME, has a heart made of pure gold, sensitive but secretly has a temper. Ahmad is like no other and he always puts everyone way before himself even in his time of need. He’s hardworking and never gives up on anything and when he wants something he works to get it. Ahmad doesn’t really believe in himself as much as he does and he sometimes needs a shoulder to cry on. He never allows people to see his pain and hurt. When he loves, he truly loves. He’s the most honest person you’ll ever meet and if you got him in your life, you’d make the biggest mistake by leaving or mistreating him!!
Unknown: “have you seen how unbelievably out of this world Ahmad is!!”
by A&H1627 September 2, 2019
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Ahmad... he’s the most amazing person on earth and no one could compare to him. He always brightens up your day no matter what mood you’re in. He’s sooooo handsome and he’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet. He’s honest and he’s always someone you can easy pass your heart to knowing it’ll stay safe. When you’re with him there’s no place on the earth you’d rather be. He puts others before him even in his time of need and he’s got a heart of pure gold. He’s a proper smarty pants but he’s also insecure and sometimes needs a shoulder to cry on. He never tells people his problems because he doesn’t want them to worry but deep down he’s begging for help. He only trusts the people he knows he can and he’s the most forgiving person ever. If you have Ahmad in your life you’d be a pure dumbass to let him go!!!! (Also he’s mine so piss off) >:^D Ahmad is someone who is rare to come across and when you see him your heart will fill with pure love and you’ll smile! Oh and by the way he’s ctazy hot!!!!
by A&H1627 September 2, 2019
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