2 definitions by 3WONINJA

1) not quite a dickhead.

2) a person with the potential of becoming a dickhead.

3) the slang term for someone who exhibits a mild propensity for dickish behavior when around an audience.

4) you.
"C'mon Billy, stop being such a weinerhat!"
by 3WONINJA January 14, 2011
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1) what all straight men aspire to be.

2) a man gifted with the ability to round up a bunch of hot chicks to bring to a party.

3) a man who has been known to wake up with 3 or more women in his bed after a hard night of partying.

4) not you.
"This party is a total sausage fest, I'm gonna call Trace, that guy is a beavwrangler!"
by 3WONINJA January 14, 2011
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