1 definition by 13RAMONE

A tiresome bludger who seems to think the public owe her a living for her moronic, necessarily limited contributions to "national debate"(although she especially tends to "hush up" during the lead up to elections). Now, it appears, a serial loser, (but only just?) tag would satisfy but not our Paulsie (more like a lingering disease/palsy). For chrissakes, she's not even N.S.Welsh! Take a good look at yourselves (6000+ first preferences). Plenty of smart, capable people who aren't just looking for a meal ticket, live here & don't want to live in a society where xenophobia and stupidity is the common denominator...Tony? Rupert??
Stay the f away Pauline Hanson...please! I can disown/disabuse my inlaws who think you care. All the best!!!
by 13RAMONE April 13, 2011
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