1 definition by 123sam456789

time to straighten this whole difference between scenexcore and indie kids.
ok. scenesters usually tend to all follow a strict code of behavior, totally limiting creative license on everything they do. Indie kids, on the other hand, don't always have to take pride in listening to obscure bands, but simply find solace in music that they enjoy.
scenxcore is a lifestyle, which has evolved into a self-superior state of mind that encompasses dressing simply for shock value, taking multiple pictures of oneself, and conforming to "scenexcore" code of law.
Indie kids, on the other hand, are generally, tolerant of other lifestyles, as long as they promote freedom and creative license. Indie kids feel comfortable around others and are not world-hating narcisists.
Thus, we have discovered the difference between scenexcore and indie.
-a conversation between an indie kid and a scene kid-

{scenexcorekid1} dude- last i styled my hair for 3 hours then asked my other friend how scene i looked

{indiekid1} learn some behavioral freedom and stop buying into the social scene!

{scenexcorekid1} i just wanted to look cool *runs away*

by 123sam456789 November 4, 2006
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