2 definitions by 10th MTN DIV

A highly effective method of deploying Army and Marine Corps combat elements into remote battlefields in a short amount of time, utilizing rotary winged aircraft(helicopters) rather than fixed wing aircraft(airplanes). This gives them the advantage of landing on or completely bypassing terrain features for drop off or pick up of said combat elements making them faster and considerably more mobile than Airborne elements which are forced to rely on the Army Air Corps...I mean Air Force, for insertion.
The Armys 101st Division is the worlds only Air Mobile division affording it the most flexible operating parameters.
by 10th MTN DIV May 30, 2005
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An evolved form of the well-known and popular Smurf. Although skin pigmentation has changed, these Smurfs compensate by donning blue outfits when in the presence of strangers to further solidify their bond with their ancestors. At one point they shunned their Smurfish heritage and wore a functional Olive Drab uniform that promoted combat functionality over flashy garrison show-boating.
We may not have the best football team, but thats what happens when your team is made up of half-wit college kids with dreams of playing soldier as opposed to actual lean, green soldiers.
by 10th MTN DIV May 30, 2005
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