2 definitions by 1014Tyme

Cringe blindness occurs when someone is unaware of either the cringey behavior around them or their own cringey behavior. Cringe blindness leads to a lack of any self-awareness or ability to notice social cues. Finally, an individual suffering from cringe blindness will be unaware of their suffering or the suffering of those around them.
Vincent was dancing around the graduation with a towel on his head and kept groping men's shoulders when taking group photos. It was clear to those around that he was suffering from cringe blindness.
by 1014Tyme May 4, 2021
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To make out with and grope your significant other in front of a group of friends. The event is concluded when the man asks to take home half of the food despite only bringing cheese and crackers.
"Did you hear what Jack did the other night?"
"No, what did he do?"
"He pulled a benny benny"
by 1014Tyme March 18, 2021
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