3 definitions by 01111010 01100101 01110010 011

A yampion is a title used for someone in a pedophile ring and/or commonly used by pedophiles.
That man is a yampion.
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A diplomatic yampion is a yampion that has committed sexual assault and/or rape.

In a pedophile ring, a diplomatic yampion is of higher rank than a yampion, but is of a lower rank than a tactical yampion.
I’ve heard that man is a diplomatic yampion.
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A tactical yampion is a head pedophile in a pedophile ring, while a yampion is just a foot solider in a pedophile ring.
Tactical Yampion are leaders of a pedophile ring.
by 01111010 01100101 01110010 011 December 30, 2020
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