2 definitions by ..:::RuBiEs..GlOoM:::..

an annoyin group of popular girls who do nuffin but gossip and slag people off.(nobody really likes them much apart from their jerky bf's n popular wanna-be's!)the plastics in mean girls)
OMFG there goes tha gossip squad!!!Someone shud go n punch em'.....bunch of fuckers.GGRRRRRRR:@
by ..:::RuBiEs..GlOoM:::.. December 24, 2005
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Sherbert is for kids who can't afford heroin!!!
Jimmie: o crapsticks i run outta dough lets go and buy sum sherbert instead!
Bob:Fuck u dawg!!!
by ..:::RuBiEs..GlOoM:::.. December 24, 2005
Get the sherbert mug.