2 definitions by -VigilanteNFX-

Tsukuyomi means "Shinto, God of the Moon".
In Naruto, Uchiha Itachi uses this as a jutsu.
It gives him the power to cause terrible tourment to a person inside their head... The jutsu doesn't follow any sort of timeline and what seems like mere seconds, could easily be many years of heavy torture... Making it an incredibly powerful jutsu. This jutsu also uses amazingly high levels of chakra and is uses very rarely, due to this.
Itachi: I just used Tsukuyomi on him... He has spent the last 5 years reliving his family's death.
Kakashi: You're sick.
by -VigilanteNFX- September 18, 2005
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Arm Slave, AKA AS unit.The Arm Slave is a massive robot unit from the famous anime; Full Metal Panic. It's a military device capeable of heavy destruction, but is not the most mobile of things. It uses various weapon systems and has a cloaking setting, making it invisible. Probably one of the most complicated to use machines, needing incredible body fitness.
We just took the Arm Slave out to peak on some ladies, no sweat.
by -VigilanteNFX- September 18, 2005
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