12 definitions by -The Omega Master

1. Someone who has a plan which they consider great at the moment, but in retrospect, does not seem very good. Infact, it seems horrible.
2. A hilarious insult. Geared towards mentally ill apes and arangutangs, or more likely someone on that level.
1. "So, the Sarge said my plan had merit, but it was executed poorly."-Grif
"Bullshit, Sarge said were a retarded monkey."-Simmons
2. "Dude, you are such a retarded monkey, now how do I spell check?"-The Omega Master
by -The Omega Master February 8, 2005
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"Yeah, we already know your a retarded monkey."-The Omega Master
by -The Omega Master February 28, 2005
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1: A British Television show that was bought by G4TV, which contains funny, stupid, and just plain unneeded science experiments. It often involves the use of breasts.

2: Someone who's life is dedicated to accumulation of all the world's knowledge.

3: A big waste of -The Omega Master's time.
"Did you see Brainiac last night? That chick was hot!!!"

"Ned is too freaking smart, a regular Brainiac."

"Why did I even bother to post up Brainiac?"-The Omega Master
by -The Omega Master September 3, 2005
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A character created by teen retarded monkey, Hilary Duff. Lizzie was conceived after Hilary was on an endless train of thought. I thought you didn't belive me. She was really having a sleepover with the Fucking Olsen Twins. "A cartoon version of myself?! That's Hilaryarious!!!!!111!!11!!1!!11111!111"
Yeah, she is the biggest prick of all time. Hilary herself is completly untalented and earns money off of crap targeted towards Tweens. Yeah, it's that bad.
"Sorry, I may be -The Omega Master, but I have no hilarious quote."-The Omega Master
by -The Omega Master February 26, 2005
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A gigantic sword used by Cloud in FF7. Cloud became so popular that he was also in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Ultimate Video Game Fighting, and 8-Bit Theatre. Afterwards, he settled down in the Porn Industry, creating many Hentais such as Cut Little. The sword itself is huge. really Fucking huge. "I can't believe he can hold that" huge. It's big enough to bust stuff, hence the name. Why are you still reading this? That sword was big as hell! It was as big as a Dreadnought.
"Look at that Buster Sword, it'f really fucking huge."
by -The Omega Master December 18, 2004
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