2 definitions by Muthafukking whoring nastyass

Why are you even looking up Pi? And why that specific amount of digits? Is that all you know? 47 digits? why stop at that? If you can memorize that much, you can definitely do more. Go you! Wooh!
Hey, I just memeorized an oddly specific amount of digits of pi. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937.
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A joke that is supposed to represent apple pie, but is swapped with the numerical version of pi.
A person making a joke:Hey guys, what's a geeks favorite food? Apple 3.14! Get it?
Audience: *Commits suicide from the absolute obscenity of the horrendous "Joke" that has escaped from A Person Making A Joke's lips.
A person making a joke: Dang it, not again!
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